How to Delete your TENKme Profile?

In the event that you decide to erase your account, all associated elements, including your Profile, personal data, reviews, comments, posts, likes, and Tenkers, will be irrevocably expunged.


We prioritize your security, and as a result, we are unable to delete an account on your behalf. It is imperative that you access your account yourself to initiate the deletion process. If you're having trouble recalling your password or username, we suggest you refer to our various tips and guidelines designed to assist you in logging in.


To proceed with the irrevocable deletion of your account , Follow the following methods:


For Android  & IOS 


1. Tap     in the top right.

2. Tap  Loign & Securiy.

3. Tap   Delete Account.

4. Tap   Delete Account.

    •  Profile ID should be 6 to 12 characters long.
    •  Contains only alphanumeric characters (letters a-z, numbers 0-9) with the exception of underscores (_) and dots (.).
    •  Start with one letter (a-z) at least.
    • Isn’t already being used by another profile. Use the icon to check the availability of the Profile ID you chose.

 4. Enter other contact information needed like AKA, Public email, fax, phone numbers, addresses, zip code; all of which will appear to others in the  tab in your profile. You can edit them at any time, you can choose not to fill them in, or you can choose to hide them to other users.


For Web


1. Tap     in the top right.

2. Tap   Loign & Securiy.

3. Tap next-but.png  Delete Account.

    • 6 to 15 characters long.
    • Contains only alphanumeric characters (letters a-z, numbers 0-9) with the exception of underscores (_) and dots (.).
    • Starts with one letter (a-z) at least.
    • Isn't already used for another profile.

3. Enter your Nick NameNick name is optional. Keep it blank if your profile doesn't have a common nick name. Then click Next  next-but.png

4. Select your Profile's Category using search or brows. Search for the category that the profile belongs to, or select the category from the list using "Browse" button.