Types of polls inside posts on TENKme

There are five types of polls, as follows:

  1. Multiple choices.
  2. Slider
  3. 5 starts
  4. Yes\ No questions
  5. Like\dislike

1. Multiple choices:

  • This can be used for collecting reviews about anything (favorite team player, favorite song in an album, etc.).
  • Minimum of two choices and up to eight
  • After you type in the question and choices, you can customize the icons.

2. Slider:

  • A slider can be used to collect the level of likeness or satisfaction (how much do you like my pet or my haircut, etc.).
  • The TENKme star represents your rating, while the white circle reflects other people’s ratings.

3. 5 starts:

  • Used to collect the level of likeness. (Reviews about a product, a restaurant, etc.)

4. Yes\ No questions:

  • A simple yes-no question (like or dislike, going to a party or not, etc.).
  • You can customize this poll to make it a 2-choice question instead of Yes or No.
  • You can also customize the text color or even use pictures or emoji instead of words.

5. Like\dislike:

  • A straight-forward opinion poll (check how people like or dislike your haircut, painting, car, etc.).
  • You can use pictures or emoji instead of words.